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DISASTER OF INJUSTICE: Relection on Disaster Risk Reduction in Indonesia

DISASTER OF INJUSTICE: Relection on Disaster Risk Reduction in Indonesia
DISASTER OF INJUSTICE: Relection on Disaster Risk Reduction in Indonesia
DISASTER OF INJUSTICE: Relection on Disaster Risk Reduction in Indonesia
DISASTER OF INJUSTICE: Relection on Disaster Risk Reduction in Indonesia
DISASTER OF INJUSTICE: Relection on Disaster Risk Reduction in Indonesia
Hemat Rp12,500 (25%)
Pengiriman Ke DKI JAKARTA
Ongkos Kirim Rp 0
Khusus member Grobprime (GRATIS TRIAL)


For the majority of people, a disaster is still considered as a matter of destiny. And it turns out that the ruling class, perhaps because lack of understanding in disaster emergency, preach the story of patience. In the theory of disaster that we believe, we assume that a threat (hazard) will turn into a disaster when it meets with vulnerability and low capacity.

In the last ten years, there is a quantitative and qualitative increase of disaster in Indonesia. But the high frequent disaster hazards that hit Indonesia more often these days do not have strong influence to make people think that indeed disaster can be prevented or avoided. This, however, happens because the disaster management models are still working on sporadic style with low coordination and slow emergency response. And the most significant of this model is, it fails to put the community as the actor of disaster management.

Based on various ideas and issues above, the Disaster Risk Reduction Program, the INSIST’s Building community Resiliency, runs since 2007 with support from CORDAID. This book begins with INSIST’s point of view in perceiving disaster and disaster risk reduction management in Indonesia. While the next section displays field stories from six DRR project areas. Stories written here are not only telling us about the success, but a failure in the community organizing. Because we believe that all success and failure are valuable in learning process.


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